Friday, 21 October 2011

Pig Heaven

Pig heaven is what a, er, pig might call this place I suppose.
In fact, as I was walking toward, I thought – from a mile away – that it was a sort of holiday camp. In the distance, there seemed to be small Nissen huts scattered over a large amount of fields, and I wondered if they may be there for campers.

Close-up, I could see that the huts are for pigs. Packington Pork farms – at Hopwas - pride themselves on making the environment free range, and, from what I could see, that’s the way it was.
You can see for yourself, by walking the path on the edge of Hopwas Hays Wood.

Of course, the creatures still end up on the dinner table – but that’s farming.

Link: Packington Pork

1 comment:

  1. I have always had a soft spot for pigs, my uncle kept some when I was a boy. That said I really do like a bit of bacon, but I do care that the pigs had a decent life prior to the chop. OK its a pun!


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