Sunday, 16 June 2019

Steadiness at the urinal

It's not often you fall into laughter on entering a men's toilet, but at the Roebuck Pub in Leek, you have to smile at least when you see this unusual structure.
The landlord/lady has kindly provided a head-cushion for the weary drinker who may probably have had .... let's say, more than a few. Unsteady on his feet he can lean forward whilst using the urinal and, placing his forehead on the cushion, keep himself in an upright position.
I deem this a kindly & considerate act by the owners. There's even a handle too.

Sunday, 2 June 2019

Flying insects art

The Staffordshire University Arts Graduates Final Show is on in Stoke this week – dozens of rooms of new, original work. It makes for an insight into what art schools are teaching now and how their students are responding.

This piece is from the Fine Art department.
Called Absconditus, by Zoe Tomlinson, it highlights the plight of species-endangered flying insects. The works are hung lightly from the ceiling and, because they are at head-height, one can walk ‘through’ them. It creates an odd feeling - passing through a crowd of creatures that are slowly disappearing from the Earth.