Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Concrete greenery

In the concrete wilderness that is the ugliest shopping area anywhere, ever, ie the Bennett Precinct in Longton, there are these small tucked-away, struggling shrubs.  They are the only sign that Nature ever passed through this spot.

Tuesday, 8 October 2019

Knot turns to flames

On the Weston Road roundabout north-east out of Stafford is this splendid steel metal structure.  If you face it straight-on, as in the pic above, the strands of it assemble themselves in your vision - to represent the Stafford Knot, the symbol of the county.

If you stand slightly to one side however, the strands get mixed up, and could be the leaping flames of a fire.
The visual illusion (see pic right) is very clever, and has something to do with the nearby industrial zone