Thursday, 19 December 2019

That which is necessary

Well, a joke in church is never a totally bad thing.
In the church at Sandon, the toilet door is labelled (in Latin) as a 'necessarium'...

Wednesday, 11 December 2019

Shafts like art

Unless you know that Biddulph is an old coal mining area, you'll probably not guess that these three structures are ventilation shafts. The dangerous gases that build up in the old works down below can be released safely through them into the atmosphere.
The low brick walls around them give them a kind of arty feeling, and their arrangement even has echoes of standing stones.

Friday, 6 December 2019

Frida, the face of hip

The 'face' of everything hip, universally recognisable, used to be Marilyn Monroe, or Elvis, or James Dean.
Now the equivalent is the 20th-century Mexican artist, Frida Kahlo, whose image seems to be ubiquitous. 
In a local Oxfam shop these Christmas cards depicting her as an angel don't even need to say it's her - we just know it is.