Saturday, 26 September 2020

Chilling corridors

Cinema corridor

As if there isn't enough to be worried about in these days, some people are phobic to empty corridors, especially in hotels.
It's all the fault of The Shining, the horror film set in an empty hotel: ghosts (and worse) keep appearing at turns in the vacant corridors. 
I suppose the horror is enhanced because what should be busy areas are disturbingly unpopulated.
In this deserted cinema, I even felt a frisson of something myself...

Saturday, 19 September 2020

Telegrams office... once

Telephone & Telegrams Point sign in Warslow

There is a strange habit in England of allowing old artefacts from the past simply to stay in place – often for many years.  It doesn’t happen all the time of course – some people love to tidy away the past and make things shiny & modern, but it does happen often enough to be noticeable.

Here in Warslow village, they have left up the old sign for the Telephone & Telegrams Point.  It appears to be around sixty years old, but does look as though someone wipes it off every so often, just to give it a clean.