Friday, 30 October 2020

Wild panther on the loose

Plasterwork at Chillington Hall

The most famous story of the Giffard family of Chillington Hall seems a little underwhelming compared to some of the affairs that the Giffards have gotten up to. It is that: one of them shot a wild animal. Hmm. 
Nevertheless, the story (legend?) is so important that it informs the family coat of arms.

There are a number of variations on the 500-year-old story, but basically it seems that Sir John Giffard had a menagerie from which a panther escaped.  From some distance away, Sir John saw the animal as it was about to savage a mother & child. Sir John shot it with an arrow; and prevented a tragedy.

As you can imagine, the story has been knocked about a bit.  Reputable sources say both panther and leopard, crossbow and bow & arrow, that Sir John was in pursuit or in the hall, and that the distance of the shot was up to … one mile!

But, good stories should never be over-examined.  

Thus, at Chillington Hall, you will see many references to this feat – including this detail on some rather lovely plasterwork.

Sunday, 25 October 2020

Lights of Autumn

It's one of those autumns again, ie similar to the ones of the last few years: sunny days followed by foggy, turn by turn.
But the most interesting feature of these recurrent autumns is that the colours are so vivid: the russets very red, the greens so verdant.

Monday, 19 October 2020

Two close knots

Another for my Stafford Knot collection!  This knot graces the old railway station at Rushton Spencer, though the building (1844) predated the railway line. 

Only 20 yards away from this building is the (Stafford) Knot Inn - which also bears a knot (see its knot) - so, two for one!

Saturday, 10 October 2020

Get a fragrant seat


Fragrance machine on petrol forecourt

This is a new one on me: on a petrol forecourt, alongside the pumps, there was this dispenser, where you can get, not just air for your tyres but, one minute's of a spray of fragrance for your car - for £1.
However, it doesn't specify what particular scent you'll be getting. I find that concerning.

For some reason, it also stresses: "Spray under seats".  Eh?

Saturday, 3 October 2020

Staffordshire in the scales

Salter's scales, with Stafford Knot and arrow

This set of scales, made by the long-established Staffordshire firm of Salters, is possibly arouund 150 years old. I spotted it in a pub in Leek where it had been retired, and is simply used as decoration.

This close-up reveals the firm's trademark - a Stafford Knot pierced by an arrow.  Why an arrow? Who knows?
As the history of the firm reveals, this design was used on the shirts of a local football team as long ago as the 1880s (- and people think shirt sponsorship is a new thing!!)