Tuesday, 10 May 2022

Head's up... then down.

 Scarecrow Festival figure
One rather bizarre community activity in England is the 'scarecrow festival'.  Residents are asked to build and then display decorated scarecrows (usually in their front gardens, there for all to enjoy).  Such festivals are most often found in semi-rural districts, but not always, so you can see them in quite urban areas too... Like I say, odd.

In this instance, I believe the residents were asked to stick to a theme, that of 'The Tudors' (why, is anyone's guess).  This particular resident clearly decided a typical Tudor was a beheaded one, and, at that, they would not be far wrong. 
This lady (in the photo above) keeps company not just with her head but with the bloody sword that hacked it off.

I couldn't sleep for a week...


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