This view could be one taken in Bavaria, or even the Czech Republic - but no, this is good old Staffordshire. I like taking visitors along the now-disused Alton railway line, and when I say "hey - look up at that!", they look up and - as they see this sight - their eyes widen...
Alton Castle - a neo-Gothic romance built in the 19th century - is owned by the Catholic Church, and is now private offices, so you can't go into it, though you can get close to it from the driveway in Alton village.
Quite a view, this one, aint it?
I didn't know of this- amazing- will pay it a visit sometime.
I went to school here in the Sixties. It's now a Youth Activities Centre for the Catholic Church. The building element with the colour-tile roof is the Chapel, now converted into a dining hall. The towers are from left to right Founder's, Unfinished and West.