Tuesday 27 December 2011

Beech bridge

I’m a fan of bridges.. of any sort really, even motorway underpasses.  It’s something about the tunnel effect (passing from one world to another), and also the different perspectives caused by the two levels, one looking down from above and one looking up from below. I wonder if this is something Freudian about me. Er-hem.

Anyway, whenever I hear Robert Frost’s poem which starts Something there is that doesn't love a wall, I sometimes think – yes, but no-one can dislike bridges, surely?
Especially bridges like this one – with age and character. It's on the country lane leading down to Beech Caves, at Beech.

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely bridge! I can tell that there are no trolls living under this one! And I love Robert Frost. So glad that he didn't know anyone who had a problem with bridges. LOL!


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