Monday, 31 March 2014

Listed triangular prism

Milestone in Draycott

This milepost is, believe it or not, a listed building. But, it's not unique among mileposts in being listed, and sometimes they describe the listing as of a 'group of mileposts'.
Made of cast-iron, usually around 150 years ago, and now maintained by county highways teams, they are still much loved.   Believe it or not.

Incidentally, I tried to find a name for its shape, which is a three-dimensional triangle with a slanted end-face. Such a shape has no exact name.  The nearest that the Internet could come up with was 'Triangular Prism'.

This post was featured on the City Daily Photo's Theme Day pages 


  1. When I saw the thumbnail, I thought it was a headstone or a memorial. A milestone like this is truly heritage! Good post!!

  2. Never think they have the same charm as the stone ones

  3. Interesting! Never knew they could be listed.

  4. "Triangular prism" works for me! Objects of historical significance are appreciated and how good that these objects are maintained by the county highway teams.

  5. Well captured. I was thinking marble so was caught by surprise when you said it is cast iron. It was your description that made me realize this object has 5 sides.

  6. It looks quite old fashioned! I like it a lot.

  7. super shot .. great interpretation of this month's theme!

  8. Perfect and most interesting to others, I'm sure.


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