Saturday, 12 December 2015

Armadillo out of the ground

The Lidice 'Unearthed' Monument in Haney

The Lidice 'Unearthed' Monument in Haney has already been dubbed (affectionately one hopes) the 'Armadillo' by locals. 
According to the artist, "...the shape looks like it's coming out of the ground - which shows its mining connections.", but, well, what do artists know?

The monument remembers the reaction to a massacre which took place in World War Two in Lidice in Czechoslovakia.  Colliers in Stoke on Trent were horrified by what had happened in a fellow mining town; and raised huge amounts of money to help rebuild it after 1945.
The campaign to remember Lidice has gone on ever since; this monument was completed in 2013.

1 comment:

  1. I can see the reason it's getting the nickname. It reminds me a bit of an iceberg sculpture that's being placed here.


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