Saturday 19 May 2012

Stones of Stockton Brook

Why do people like large standing stones? This house in Stockton Brook has a garden full of them.

Somebody once said to me that they are special because they are usually so old - large boulders can be the remains of debris swept over long distances by glaciers in the Ice Age. I suppose that makes them quite glamorous.

But a lot of stones - which can be placed in gardens, on roundabouts, in village squares, at supermarket entrances even (!) - are just, erm, big, ugly and heavy. However, they seem to mean something.
It must be something atavistic in our natures.

But a female friend of mine says (rather dismissively) that's it's a phallic thing.  Well, it's a thought.


  1. I think it gives an air of mystery and possibly magical happenings!

    1. I suppose you are right. I wonder how the magic is conjured...!


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