Tuesday, 27 January 2015

Tea vicar? In the graveyard

Colwich Churchyard, 'Cannock Chase View'

People are strange.  At Colwich Church-yard, they have set up a picnic table and chairs, from which they can see southwards over to Cannock Chase.  As you can observe, they have even installed a post - naming the spot 'Cannock Chase View'.

Would I create a picnic-spot in a graveyard, from where I could sip tea and admire a distant view? 
It wouldn't have been my first inclination.

This sense of the eccentric is something I'd miss if I ever had to leave Staffordshire. Somehow, below the surface, there is a definite eccentricity in this county.  (See all my posts labelled 'Odd Staffordshire')

This post was featured on the 'City Daily Photo Theme Days'


  1. People are strange. How depressing to look like you say.


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