Monday 18 July 2011

Anglers vs Boaters

On the canal towpath at Acton Trussell, I came across this sign, which made me laugh out loud. I'm guessing, but I think it's part of the endless battle on canals between anglers and the holiday-makers who hire out narrowboats.
I would suppose that some people out fishing on this stretch think that boats which are going too fast, and throwing up a swell, deserve to have bait thrown at them in protest...!
I just wish I'd been there.

The speed limit on canals is four miles an hour, I believe.


  1. 4 mph does not sound fast enough to kick up ANY swell!

    For the uninitiated: what is A.A. in this context? And what do they mean by groundbait? This is not a complex word for worms, surely!!

  2. Ha ha! The groundbait that I have come across is usually pellets composed of bread/maize, stuff like that, used to attract fish. Don't think it means worms...

    I think I misled you on the speed limit comment. What happens is that some of the narrow-boaters exceed the speed limit, and thus cause a swell, making the anglers angry. It's known by some wits as 'canal rage'...!

    As for AA, I'd guess that means 'anglers association'. Not sure.


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